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Delimično vedro, ponegde sa slabom kišom, temeperatura do osam stepeni

NOVI SAD - Ujutru se u većini krajeva očekuje niska oblačnost, ponegde i magla, osim na severoistoku Srbije i u Negotinskoj Krajini gde će biti delimično vedro, saopštio je Republički hidormeteorološki zavod (RHMZ). Pre podne i sredinom dana uslediće postepeno razvedravanje sa severoistoka [...]

The main conceptual idea of the text is to provide a weather forecast for Serbia. Key details include: * Partially cloudy skies with possible light rain in some areas. * Temperatures ranging from -3 to 8 degrees Celsius, with higher temperatures (up to 10 degrees Celsius) expected in eastern Serbia. * Morning cloud cover and mist in most areas, with clearer skies expected in the east and northeast. * Light snowfall possible in mountainous regions. Let me know if you have any more questions!

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